Sunday, November 10, 2013

Tardy for the Party

Yep! I'm tardy!
I don't like to be late for anything, but I have a semi good excuse.
Kinda Sorta...
I really hope I don't get in trouble from the bloggy police for linking up 2 days late!
Are there rules against that?
Enough's my Five for Friday.
It snowed on Tuesday and shut the hill I live on down.
Just so you all know, I am not a fan of the snow!
I was so lucky not to be involved in this...

The white SUV side swiped another SUV that pulled off into a parking lot. I carefully went around the SUV and this occurred. GRRR! People, it snows here! Get yourself some snow tires!
I managed to make it to school 40 minutes late. Man I DISLIKE the snow!
Fundraiser at McDonald's
McTeacher's night ROCKED!
We had so many families show up that the manager said she will give us an extra 1/2 hour next year. Not sure of the actual figure yet, but the estimate is over $600.
(On a side note, my teaching partner just started a blog today, KinderCoaster. Check it out and give her some love!)
I am learning to tap!
The High School my son attends puts on a show every year for their fundraiser. The parents are the stars of the show (no students allowed)! It has been running for 50 years and raised over $80,000 last year between sponsors and ticket sales.
I am so excited to get to tap this year! I've chickened out the last 2 years, but decided to face my fears and just do it!
One of my sweet parents showed up before our Veteran's day assembly with stars and strip hats and camo bandanas for the kids.
How cool is that?
I was working Friday night and Saturday morning on these

Just one of the reasons I am tardy this week, besides the fact that I got LAZY!
There you have it, my Five for Friday... tardy fashion!

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  1. I like your five! Who cares if it's late! I especially like #3 and can't wait to see the show this year:). Thanks for the shout out...almost have a grab button:)

  2. Oh goodness...what do you do when they shut the hill down? Do people miss work because of this? I've never seen snow. I wouldn't even know what to do. It seems so strange to's still in the high 70's here in the Panhandle of Florida. You did a great job in the cake and cupcakes!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

    1. Oh how I wish it were in the 70's here! When they close the hill we find alternate ways down. Since I'm not a morning person I don't like getting up 30 min earlier to deal with the snow...makes me one cranky gal! Good news though, the snow melted later that afternoon and hasn't returned yet! YIPPEE!!!

  3. Okay V, I've just gotta test the code you gave me and then I'll go to bed, I swear! Thanks again for all your help! Thank goodness we don't have school tomorrow. I would be one tired teacher! KinderCoaster
