Friday, November 1, 2013

Five for Friday
I'm Exhausted!
What a CRaZy BuSy week!
On Monday we got notice that the portables we have been waiting on since school started would be  delivered on Tuesday.

I didn't dare exit the building to take these pictures. There were strict instructions not to use the doors with the big orange cones (which were at most of them).
Unfortunately, their arrival closed down the playground for practically the entire week.
I think we may have gotten 2.
Trenches are being dug for the electrical right outside another entrance.
One of the main reasons there were NO RECESSES! 
We learned all about pumpkins and created these cute pumpkins complete with real seeds.
Since we had leftover pumpkin seeds, we decided to plant them.

Who needs a pot when you have a perfectly good pumpkin shell?
Not sure which is going to grow faster, the seeds or the mold?


We are... Super Teachers!

As if the week didn't have enough excitement, we finished up our Sun/Moon unit with moon phases made out of Oreos.
I just love getting lil notes from my Firsties!
What a perfect ending to one CRaZy week!

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1 comment:

  1. oh no! that was cruel to cancel recess, how did the kids (and you) survive? Really like your super teachers picture and like the pumpkin idea, Our pumpkin molded FAST, so I'm voting for the mold! I found you through Doodle Bugs Friday link! Paula @
